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Kirk Morrison


The power of lunch

I heard a statement today that has me thinking about the power of lunch. It went something like this "Always make sure that you pack a lunch that you really enjoy because if your morning goes completely sideways and everything is going wrong - a good lunch can turn the day around." Wow - what…
Kirk Morrison
September 21, 2018

Back on the ice

The Humboldt Broncos were back on the ice this week for the first time since the tragic bus accident last April claimed 16 lives including Head Coach Darcy Haugan. Only two players from the crash returned to the ice for the season-opening game. The NHL developed a "Community Hero Award" named after Willie O'Ree this year.…
Kirk Morrison
September 14, 2018

What a salesman!

Q:How does a hockey coach become the president of a figure skating club? A: Sales Last night was the annual registration evening for Hockey and Figure Skating at our local Arena.  My hockey coaching career started on a registration night 5 years ago. In my son's age group there were not enough players, no goalies,…
Kirk Morrison
September 7, 2018

She wants to get there fast

My daughter and I took our dog for a walk the other night. We knew our specific destination but the dog did not. My daughter made the observation: "Bandit doesn't even know where we are going ... but she sure wants to get there fast." This got me thinking about how busy we are. Often…
Kirk Morrison
August 31, 2018

Nature, Gravity & Skill

I attended a refresher course for first aid this week. The instructor had a style of teaching that I found engaging and impactful. I took away the following the lessons of leadership that transcend the specific course materials. Principles before Technique Prior to diving into the ratio of rescue breaths to chest compressions, hand placement,…
Kirk Morrison
August 24, 2018

You have to pay for that!

My two youngest daughters and their cousin set up a lemonade stand this week. These kids are savvy little entrepreneurs. They were able to start their business venture with capital at no cost. Grandma supplied the lemonade and muffins free of charge. The kids offered to pay her for the supplies, but fortunately, Grandma didn't call their bluff. They added value…
Kirk Morrison
August 17, 2018

Whats the pickle?

Here's the pickle: Leaders are affected by many forms of unconscious bias. So how do you fix a problem that is outside of your awareness? Step 1 - Acknowledge that you have a problem Your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and decisions are heavily influenced by many types of bias. Once you know you are in a…
Kirk Morrison
August 10, 2018

Son of a …

A pry bar is in my left hand and a hammer in my right. I use a little more force than usual on a stubborn nail and as it breaks free the pry bar comes down hard on my right thumb. Son of a ... A great example of the right hand not knowing what…
Kirk Morrison
August 3, 2018

Death is not an option

An old friend of mine liked to stir up a conversation by presenting two options, diametrically opposed to each other, requiring you to choose one.  Shortly into pondering she would interject with "and death is not an option." No getting out of this one - make a tough choice. This game of examining the extreme either…
Kirk Morrison
July 27, 2018

What Drives Procrastination?

This blog publishes every Friday at 5:00 am. I am often sitting down to start a new post at 11:00 pm on Thursday evening. This was the case last Thursday with the "Last Minute Post". Today's post is the result of allowing the question "What Drives Procrastination"? marinate for a week. In reflection, I discovered…
Kirk Morrison
July 20, 2018